Brick and Flora in Landscape Design
Brickwork and Flowers: Contrast in Landscape Design

Brick can make a lovely contrast to your favorite flora. When considering materials in your landscape design you should ask about good old fashioned brickwork. Brick can be a versatile material and provides a strong visual contrast to the organic elements of your design. The geometric variability of the brick may be the perfect compliment to the flowers you choose.

Paths, Planters, and Patterns with Bricks and Flora

The use of brick and flora in this landscape design provided a fun base for shadows and contrast. This arbor and gate are the perfect pairing with the playful brick pathway.

The brickwork also made perfect planters with a sweeping round line. Brick has a beautiful color and can be used to create many different forms, from square and angular to beautifully oval.

It’s Only Brick and Flora but WE LIKE IT!!!
Contact us today to learn what we can dream up for you with brick and flora in your landscape design!